7 Auction(s)

  • Truckload (23 Pallet Spaces) of Furniture & Luggage, Sporting Goods & More by Blackstone & More, 207 Units, Ext. Retail $19,139, Las Vegas, NV
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.00
    Bids: 0
    Closes in
  • Truckload (22 Pallet Spaces) of Small Appliances by Keurig & More, 600 Units, Ext. Retail $45,237, Waco, TX
    Current Bid: $1,000
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $1.67
    Bids: 0
    Closes in
  • Truckload (21 Pallet Spaces) of Furniture, 76 Units, Ext. Retail $10,137, Waco, TX
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.01
    Bids: 0
    Closes in
  • Truckload (23 Pallet Spaces) of Photo, Outdoor Living & More, 200 Units, Ext. Retail $12,747, Indianapolis, IN
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.01
    Bids: 1
    Closes in
  • Truckload (20 Pallet Spaces) of Furniture, 115 Units, Ext. Retail $16,508, Indianapolis, IN
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.01
    Bids: 0
    Closes in
  • Truckload (30 Pallet Spaces) of Sporting Goods, Toys & Bikes & More, 362 Units, Ext. Retail $17,361, Spartanburg, SC
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.00
    Bids: 0
    Closes in
  • Truckload (32 Pallet Spaces) of Furniture, 101 Units, Ext. Retail $15,979, Spartanburg, SC
    Current Bid: $1
    Avg. Cost Per Unit: $0.01
    Bids: 0
    Closes in

7 Auction(s)